Bob Holt

Bob Holt

How We Built It: MIT REAP

Genuine Interactive recently built a new site for the MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (MIT REAP). We tried some new libraries and architecture for the first time, so let’s take a look.

Using the Revealing Module Pattern

The first well-architected JavaScript application I worked on used what is commonly called the Revealing Module Pattern. I’ve used this pattern on projects ranging from 100 to 100,000 lines of code.

NH Sheep and Wool Festival 2012

We love a good sheep and wool festival. Over the years we've come to prefer the Vermont version. But for years, we went to the New Hampshire festival. This was this


August 20, 2011, Harrisville, New Hampshire Canon EOS 7D; Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM 1/30 sec at f/1.4, ISO 6400 50mm focal length