Bob Holt

Intermediate Microeconomics

November 11, 2015  •  1 minutes  • 129 words

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Dr. Banerjee was THE best teacher I had at Tech. I originally signed up for his Mathematical Economics class because it was one of the only economics electives that fit in my schedule. Having struggled in calculus and my Advanced Microeconomics classes, and needing to maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to graduate, it was a gamble.

Not only did I pass that class, Dr. Banerjee made it easy. He taught me more about math and economics in that one class than all of my other classes combined. It was an easy choice to ask him to be my senior thesis advisor.

Dr. Banerjee teaches with such knowledge, insight, and compassion for his students that this can’t help but be an excellent text.

cover of Intermediate Microeconomics: A Tool-Building Approach by Samiran Banerjee