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So I went to New York City for Fleet Week this Memorial Day weekend. I met up with one of my best friends in the world, her mom, and some of her ship-mates. I hesitate to say that it was the greatest few days I’ve ever experienced, but I can’t really bring a better example to mind. I’ll spare everybody the details; God knows my coworkers wish I’d shut up about it. Suffice it to say that the only way to see New York City is with a sailor during Fleet Week.

Highlights: apple cider, comedy show, drinking Friday night, calzone, Coney Island, Rent, wine tasting, Central Park, Empire State Building, Oldcastle Irish Pub, Cold Pizza, USS Monterey.

So anyway, I had a great time, but I can’t believe the swing from super-high-good-time to depressed-why-is-it-over. Not quite depressed, but definitely moping around. I’ve got some thinking/planning/scheming to do, which is probably natural when your priorities get all switched about all of a sudden.

Things to figure out: what I want to happen, how to go about getting it done. Who am I kidding? I’m pretty sure I know what I want to happen, I just don’t know about that second part. Ah, who knows?

Currently listening to: Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)

Currently reading: A Beautiful Mind