Previously published on

Let’s see, what did I do today? I WATCHED FOOTBALL!!! You know, I can’t believe how little football I have watched this year. Yesterday and today are probably the only two days to which I have dedicated a majority of hours to f-ball viewership this year. There’s just something. . . right about sitting in your floor, eating takeout, watching football, and drinking a beer. Wow, it’s so Zen.

Anyway. . .

I’m still freaked out about this whole Thanksgiving thing showing up this week. I really don’t have anything to do, so no real reason to fret; I just can’t figure out where this year went. You know what? Thanksgiving means more football, and that’s a good thing.

So Matt, I signed up for that whole NANOWRIMO thing yesterday. Yeah, I know it was the 20th, and I only have 10 days left to write 50,000 words. I probably won’t finish, but at least as of today, I’ve written at least 2,000 more words than I would have, and that also is a good thing. Maybe I should get back to stream-of-consciousness typing, but there’s still football on.

Really, I’m not that obsessed, but I feel as though I’ve been deprived. Everybody up here is all about baseball (Go SOX!) and that Pats, and really I just want to watch good old ACC/SEC and Tampa Bay football every once in a while. Is that too much to ask?

Damn, Brett Favre is sucking tonight. Too bad he’s my fantasy QB. I should have traded him to Jeff.

Alright, enough rambling. See you guys on the flip side.

P.S. Favre just threw a touchdown. Sweet.

Currently listening to: Crowd Noise

Currently reading: Cryptonomicon (it’s really long)