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Okay, so I’m a huge nerd, but I’m thinking of the next 25 days until the end of the holiday season in terms of a military operation:

Phase I of Operation AHAB was put into operation today at approximately 1600 hours GMT, and will cease no later than 1500 GMT on 12 December. If Phase I is successful, Phase II will follow and continue until no later than 0559 GMT on 1 January. If either phase is unsuccessful, make preparations for SOS on 31 December.

If any of that made any sense, then congratulations, you’re me! If you’re curious, just ask. Personally, I just enjoy all of the insinuations, parallels, and hidden meanings just in the name AHAB.

(Yes, I’m a freak. I’m not even really obsessing over the objective. It just makes it more of a game when I start going all Sun-Tzu in the old cabeza.)

For a hint as to what this is really all about, check out the Music of the Moment

Currently listening to: Pure Prarie League

Currently reading: Cryptonomicon (p. 577/918)