Here it is: a new site and new blog. The outdated portfolio is gone, and I’m going to give this JS-related blog thing a go.

I’ve never blogged about “work stuff” for a couple of reasons:

  • There are so many great developers out there blogging their hearts out that I always thought I would just be adding noise. Maybe I don’t have anything new to say, but then again, maybe I do. I can’t wait to find out.
  • For the first part of my career, I felt like I was developing by the seat of my pants. I think that’s a necessary phase in becoming a coder. I’ve felt over the last year or so like I’ve come out of that phase and now I’m the master of my development destiny. Maybe I can share how I got here and make that phase shorter for someone else.

These same doubts have kept me from seeking speaking opportunities at meet-ups and conferences. Nobody wants to think they’re throwing out groundbreaking knowledge only to bore the audience to tears with outdated ideas. General encouragement from the JS community to get more speakers has caused me to consider the topics I might present and the places I might present them. In addition, the awesome (and hopefully still active) ConfNotice email has helped me to focus even more on topics. I’ll start locally and try branching out and improve as I go.

See you soon.